Dr. Manu Melwin Joy, an accomplished academician, writer and thinker believes in making world a game field . His research focus includes Gamification,Game based Learning, Serious games andGame thinking. He has completed certification in Gamificationfrom University of Pennsylvania and Design Thinking fromUniversity of Virginia. Apart from publishing articles inaccredited journals, he has authored seven books with the mostrecent one titled "PLAYBOUR - Gamification for employee engagement". He has handled more than 90 international and national sessions on gamification for corporates such as IBM,The Hindu Group, The Federal Bank, Apollo Tyres etc andeducational institutions like University of Technology andApplied Sciences (Oman), Princess Nourah Bint Abdul RahmanUniversity ( Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), international University of Humanities and Development, Turkmenistan, Alatoo International University, Kyrgyzsthan to name a few .
Gamification in Customer Engagement - United Airways Case study
Presentations | English
Manu Melwin Joy
Gamification in Customer Engagement - The Apocalypse Trigger
Presentations | English
Manu Melwin Joy
Gamification in Customer Engagement - Pocari Sweet Case Study
Presentations | English
Manu Melwin Joy
Gamification in Customer Engagement - NBC Universal Case Study
Presentations | English
Manu Melwin Joy
Gamification in Customer Engagement - My Starbucks Rewards
Presentations | English
Manu Melwin Joy
Gamification in Customer Engagement - Magnum Pleasure Hunt
Presentations | English
Manu Melwin Joy
Gamification in Customer Engagement - Disney Movie Rewards
Presentations | English
Manu Melwin Joy
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