There are many medical advancement that happened recently in the field of biotechnology. Biotechnology is the area of research and study of living organisms and their products. It has significant use in our day to day life. Biotechnology provides information about genetic composition of human DNA so that it is possible to discover new medicines and repair damaged genes. Nowadays new disease causing pathogens are discovered, some of which are even fatal. The advancements in biotechnology has led to the research and study of these pathogens which helped to innovate new medicines for these contagious diseases. Gene splicing is a process considered to be one of the greatest milestones in the field of biotechnology. Biotechnology gave rise to use of microorganisms in milk and milk products. Bioweapons, which are used to cause diseases and toxins are also included in this field. Red biotechnology is the field of developing pharmaceuticals including vaccines. Green biotechnology is used for the research in agricultural products.