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Helan Mariam Aipe

14 resources

A creative person by heart, she loves learning new languages. She is ambitious and thrives on challenges and would constantly set goals for herself. She loves listening to music and reading and writing.

Digital Electronics

Presentations | English


Computer Fundamentals

Presentations | English

Must Visit Places in Manipur

Presentations | English

Must Visit Places in Karnataka

Presentations | English

Parts of Computers

Presentations | English


Must Visit Places in Kerala

Presentations | English

Must Visit Places in Tamilnadu

Presentations | English

Input And Output Devices in A Computer

Presentations | English

Interesting Facts about JK Rowling

Presentations | English

John F Kennedy

Presentations | English

Computer Fundamentals & Characteristics of Computer

Presentations | English

Jackie Chan

Presentations | English

Jeff Bezos

Presentations | English


Presentations | English