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Bharathi Lakshmi T

4 resources

"No matter where you work all that counts is the learning and experience you take back with you." Going by this saying, Bharathi Lakshmi T fears not to pursue any work that can help her gain experience and knowledge in her interest areas. Bharathi is currently pursuing her master’s in technology in the field of Biotechnology at Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT). She is quite interested in writing stories in English as well as Tamil. Her dual roles at college and career enable her to learn on-the-go.

Thamizhargalin Parambariya Unavu Vagaigal

Documents | Tamil

Parambariya Unavu Vagaigal

Presentations | Tamil

Thamizhnaatin Prabala Kovilgal

Presentations | Tamil

Tamil Naatin Sirpangal

Presentations | Tamil