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Stage-6 of Development Cycle

Presentations | English

What are the characteristics of Stage 6? It is the time of Integration and Regeneration: Twelve to Nineteen Years. At this stage, we go through the cycle again, twice the pace. The tasks of this stage focus on identity, separation, sexuality, and increased competence. Preoccupation with sex and people as sexual beings is a hallmark of this stage. Adolescents may have turbulent body changes and energy levels, with higher sleep needs. Drugs, sex, and music are topics of interest; philosophical questions and social issues may become more important. Teens worry about their identity, sexuality, appearance, and their future. Developmental Tasks of the Adolescent include: to take more steps toward independence, to achieve a clearer emotional separation from family, to emerge gradually as a separate, independent person with one’s own identity and values, to be competent and responsible for one’s own needs, feelings and behaviors and to integrate sexuality into the earlier developmental tasks.

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Stage-6 of Development Cycle

Presentations | English