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Work Place Hazards

Presentations | English

Workplace hazards A workplace hazard refers to a situation within the workplace that has the potential to cause injury or adverse health effects for people and damage to the plant and/or equipment. Hazards are present at every workplace and come from a wide number of sources. Identifying and eliminating them is a major component of maintaining a safe workplace. A common way of identifying workplace hazards is to classify them into various categories: Biological: These include viruses, bacteria, animals, plants, insects, and also humans Chemical: These include various chemicals, liquids, and solvents. The hazard associated with them depends on their physical properties and whether they are toxic, irritants, corrosives, or mutagens. Mechanical: The hazards caused by the moving parts of machinery, plant, or a piece of equipment. Psychological: Stress, harassment, and violence. Physical: Exposure to noise, vibrations, radiation, or a magnetic field. Ergonomic: Improper posture, repetitive movements, improper arrangement of the workplace.

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Work Place Hazards

Presentations | English