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Unsustainable and Sustainable Developments

Presentations | English

In simple terms, sustainable refers to something which can be maintained indefinitely. Whereas, unsustainable is something which cannot be maintained indefinitely. Environment is defined as the totality of the physical world comprising of the world's land masses, oceans, and atmosphere. Development is an unavoidable factor. In environmental science, development is defined as the process of growth and change in human, social, political and economic systems. Economic development and stable environment are required for the continual improvement of lifestyle and living standards. Development can be sustainable and unsustainable. Sustainable development can be defined as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Unsustainable development is attained by damaging the environment and exploiting of natural resources. The presentation gives better understanding on the topic.

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Unsustainable and Sustainable Developments

Presentations | English