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Unique Identification - AADHAR

Presentations | English

Aadhaar is a twelve-digit unique identity number that can be obtained by residents of India, based on their biometric and demographic data. No resident can have a duplicate number since it is linked to their individual biometrics; thereby identifying fake and ghost identities. Aadhaar system provides single source offline/online identity verification across the country for the residents. Once residents enrol, they can use the Aadhaar number to authenticate and establish their identity multiple times using electronic means or through offline verification. The uniqueness property of Aadhaar allows it to act as a robust ID, hence, it is accepted as proof of identity and proof of address for an Aadhaar holder. The need and usage of Aadhaar number is becoming increasingly important. Aadhaar number needs to be linked to one's income tax records, bank account, insurance policies, investment records such as mutual funds, provident fund, pension accounts and so on. The related presentation can equip you with more facts.

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Unique Identification - AADHAR

Presentations | English

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Manju VP



Unique Identification Aadhar

Presentations | English