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Types of Motivation

Presentations | English

"The skill of motivation is a much-needed state of mind for an individual especially for someone working towards a fixed goal. A little motivation never hurt anybody and has always worked in favour of the one seeking for a little support and confidence. Motivation can be categorised into several types, some of which being intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, competence motivation and many more. Are you looking for some motivation? Do you feel like you are falling back on your work? Do you think you can finish it on time or do you think you need a break? If you think you do, you do need to take a break but after once you return to your work, if you feel like giving up, remember motivation is key. All you need is reassurance and some well-deserved motivation will give it to you. Head over to the PPT to know about all the types of motivation."

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PPTX (50 Slides)

Types of Motivation

Presentations | English