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Types of Entrepreneurship

Presentations | English

There would rarely be a person or two who might not have heard about Tesla or SpaceX. Well, guess what! They are the brainchild of the famous entrepreneur Elon Musk. It's not just Elon Musk but numerous billionaires like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and others have paved the way with their revolutionary creations. Entrepreneurship is simply the process of setting up a business with potential scope for financial risk and profit. There are several types of entrepreneurships with different motives and structures. They are social entrepreneurship, Innovation entrepreneurship, big business entrepreneurship and many more. As the name suggests some of them stand for social welfare, technological advancements while others are solely relying on profit-making. No matter what their motives are, entrepreneurship is one of the important components that make up a proper and visible economy.

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Types of Entrepreneurship

Presentations | English