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Study Techniques

Presentations | English

Did u know that the average concentration power of a human being is 15- 20 minutes? Well, then how can we study effectively? Numerous study methodologies are doing the rounds. It is not something that is tailored to suit every individual on the planet but it could be useful to an extent to make studies wholesome. General and traditional methods like proper cyclical sleep, conducive atmosphere and soft music priority. In addition to this, methods like SQ3R (which helps in reading comprehension), retrieval practice ( to sharpen memory retention), PQ4R ( helps easy understanding of topics) and various others are also recommended. No matter how many techniques we come across it will be futile unless we habitually practise them. Stick to a particular technique of your choice and repeat the process periodically to get the desired result. Ultimately studies are not measured by the quantity they serve but by the quality, they assured our lives. Keen about knowing more about these techniques?. Please watch the succeeding presentation on this topic.

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Study Techniques

Presentations | English