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Steps in Job Evaluation

Presentations | English

"Job evaluation can be defined as a systematic process designed to determine the relative worth of jobs within a single work organisation. The job evaluation process follows the following four steps – 1. Gathering job analysis data: Firstly, information must be collected through a method of job analysis. Here validity should be a guiding principle which simply means that the job analyst must accurately capture all of the content. It is very important to capture both similarities and differences among jobs. Ambiguous, incomplete, or inaccurate job descriptions can result in some jobs being incorrectly evaluated. 2. Selecting compensable factors: Compensable factors are the factors the organisation chooses to reward through differential pay. The most typical compensable factors are skill, knowledge, respon¬sibility, and working conditions. 3. Evaluating job using certain methods: There are four fundamental methods of job evaluation. 4. Assigning pay to the job: The end product of a job evaluation exercise is a hierarchy of jobs in terms of their relative value to the organisation. Assigning pay to this hierarchy of jobs is referred to as pricing the pay structure"

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Steps in Job Evaluation

Presentations | English