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Significance of Newspaper in Our Life

Presentations | English

Newspapers are one of the most powerful sources of mass media. They are a source of immense information. Newspapers are known as the eyes and ears of the world. REading newspapers increases general knowledge in people. Newspapers offer a wide variety of information that can be of personal intereset to many. For instance, houses on rent, job opportunities, prices of commodities, and so on are often looked for in newspapers. In democracies, where freedom of speech and expression is permitted, newspapers help to bring about awareness about rights and duties of the citizens and they often support the public in serving them justice. A newspaper is also a very effective medium to resolve problems that require the attention of local authorities. People can write to the editor of the local paper about a problem within their locality and the concerned authorities will take measures to solve that problem. Thus, newspapers play a significant role in our day-to-day life. Read this PPT to learn a bit more on how substantial newspapers are in everyday life and why it is important to read them everyday.

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PPTX (12 Slides)

Significance of Newspaper in Our Life

Presentations | English