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Safety in the Campus Cafeteria

Presentations | English

There are many kinds of safety protocols, like fire and safety. But safety in campus cafeteria is gaining its importance largely nowadays. Food safety, dining safety etc. have to be addressed. Meals should ensure proper nutrition. In the light of covid, proper cleaning standards have to be maintained. Otherwise, can you imagine the catastrophe it would bring upon the students in the campus? Even protocols must be properly followed by the staff in the campus community. Proper waste disposal and cleaning instructions have to provided. If these measures are not followed, the outcome can be very bad and unhealthy to students. We do not want campus for students to be a place for starting unhealthy routines and a place for spreading communal diseases. Let’s show the kids how proper safety in cafeteria can be ensured. "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if not has not dined well.". Dining being a basic necessity, lets ensure proper safety of dining in cafeteria, shall we ? The presentation can be referred for further knowledge relating to the topic. Please see.

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Safety in the Campus Cafeteria

Presentations | English