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Rigveda - Part 01

Audio | Sanskrit

Comprising 1028 hymns and 10600 verses, Rig Veda is considered one of the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism. It describes the compilation of human wisdom in unique nature. The significance and antiquity of the Rig Veda have astonished several historians and scholars. Rig Veda means ‘Praise knowledge’. Originated in the early 1700 BCE, the Rig Veda is divided into 10 groups or books called 'Mandalas'. Mandalas 2-9 dealt with cosmology whereas 1 & 10 discuss the philosophical questions and virtues in society and is considered as the youngest and longest book. Mandalas 2-7 is also called the ‘family books’ is the oldest and shortest book. 9th Mandala is dedicated to Soma. Hymns are generally called 'Suktas' are a reflection of beliefs and philosophy. 35 % of the hymns were composed by Angiras whereas 25 % were by the Kanya family. Verses mentioned in the Rig Veda were used in Hindu prayers and rituals. The Rig Veda discusses the origin of the world, the importance of the Gods, and provides advice for a successful life. According to the text, the Universe was originated from Prajapati. It describes Indra as the chief deity whereas sky God, fire God, and the Sun God as other chief deities. The God of storms and mountains Rudra is responsible for the origin of Lord Shiva, and Lord Vishnu (one of the Trimurti of Hindu Gods) was described as a minor deity. The universally famous Gayatri mantra (Savitri) is also mentioned in it. The text was mainly composed of 10 families of the rishis. The Samhitas, the Brahmanas, the Aryankas, and the Upanishads are combined to form the Rig Veda. The Samhitas carries the hymns to the deities. The Brahmanas pertain to the commentaries for the hymns and finally, the Aryankas, known as the 'forest books' include other verses of religious text. The Rig Veda is considered a religious source and a moral guide in the Vedic and post-Vedic times. It gives a piece of evidence for the geographical structure of the subcontinent during the Vedic era. It also dealt with the treatment of different diseases, information of weapons and shields as well as the rains and other seasons, etc.

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RAR (19 Units)

Rigveda - Part 01

Audio | Sanskrit