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Psychological Manipulations

Presentations | English

In psychology, manipulation or emotional manipulation is the use of deceitful means to exploit, control or influence others to one’s advantage. Even though we feel it is similar to influencing a person or pursuing a person, manipulation differs from general influence and persuasion. If persuasion is a positive concept manipulation is negative. It is forced influence used to gain control, benefits or privileges at the expense of others. In the extreme scenario, it is mostly done by tricksters, swindlers and imposters who disrespect moral principles. They deceive and take advantage of others’ frailty and gullibility. The common means of psychological manipulation can be categorized positive reinforcements, negative reinforcements and intermittent or partial reinforcement. The manipulator deliberately creates an imbalance of power and exploits the victim to serve his or her agenda. Many people engage in manipulation but a chronic pattern indicates a mental instability. Manipulation is particularly common with persons with personality disorder diagnoses such as borderline personality (BPD) and narcissistic personality (NPD). The presentation gives better understanding on the concept of psychological manipulation.

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Psychological Manipulations

Presentations | English