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Protein Metabolism

Presentations | English

Proteins are the representation of cell structural membranes, signaling molecules, enzymes, ion channels and so on. Also, very essential part of living organisms, helping in growth and repair. It is not stored for later use; it has the capacity to act as metabolic fuel source. Excess protein will be stored as glucose used to provide energy. Body can't synthesize all the amino acids for building proteins. Metabolism happens in liver, that is deamination of amino acids, urea formation to remove ammonia, plasma protein synthesis and so on. Digested protein is converted to amino acids and absorbed by liver. After reaching cellular limit, extra gets converted to fat or glycogen. After amino acid catabolism, ammonia is converted to urea followed by plasma protein formation albumin, globulin and fibrinogen. Disease of liver is mainly due to decreased protein synthesis occurrence. Let's have a look into the PowerPoint presentation.

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Protein Metabolism

Presentations | English