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Plot it Out Before You Speak - Template 05

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We have heard it before, to think before we speak. P – Posture and Position: Students must realise that their nonverbal body language has meaning. They send a message to others by the way they hold their face and body, as well as how close they stand to someone. L – Language: We want students to consider the words that they use. Strong language, for example, can turn people off. Manners can attract people's attention. The type of language we use is frequently determined by the situation. O – Other People's Feelings: This one is a little more abstract, but it's still teachable. Our words have tremendous power. They have the ability to either build others up or tear them down. Spend some time discussing and demonstrating the distinction. T – Tone and Volume of Your Voice: When you speak, the tone you use sends a message to the listener. With just your tone, you can send a different message than if you said the same words. Your voice must also be at the proper volume. Different volumes are required for various locations.

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RAR (2 Units)

Plot it Out Before You Speak - Template 05

Images | English

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