The definition of art is controversial in contemporary philosophy. The functions of art normally fall into three categories: Physical, Social and Personal. These categories can and often do overlaps in any given piece of art. Plato had a love- hate relationship with arts. According to Plato, all artistic creation is a form of imitation: that which really exists (in the “world of ideas”) is a type created by God; the concrete things man perceives in his existence are shadowy representations of this ideal type. Plato asserted that when artists are making or performing art they are imitating. According to him, art imitates physical things- the objects or events of ordinary life. In other words, a work of art is a copy of a copy of a form. It is even more of an illusion than is ordinary experience. On this theory, works of art are at best entertainment and at worst a dangerous delusion. The presentation gives in-depth idea on the topic.
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