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Presentations | English

How insane is it to learn that there are over 400 different types of phobias? A phobia is a type of anxiety condition characterized by a persistent and irrational dread of a particular object or circumstance. Phobias are characterized by a sudden onset of fear that lasts for more than six months. Those who are affected will go to considerable efforts to avoid the circumstance or object, even if the threat is larger than it appears. They endure substantial distress if the object or scenario cannot be avoided. Other symptoms include fainting, which can occur in phobias of blood or harm, and panic episodes, which are common in agoraphobia. Approximately 75% of people with phobias have numerous phobias. Specific phobias, social phobias, and agoraphobia are the three types of phobias. Certain animals, natural environment circumstances, blood or damage, and specific situations are examples of specific phobias. Fears of spiders, snakes, and heights are among the most common. A unpleasant experience with the object or circumstance as a youngster may be the source of specific phobias. When a person is afraid of being judged by others, they are said to have social phobia. Agoraphobia is a dread of being trapped in a situation where escaping is difficult or impossible.

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Presentations | English