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Peer Pressure

Presentations | English

Peer pressure is the direct or indirect influence on people by members of social groups with similar interests, experience, or social status. Members of a peer group are more likely to influence a person's beliefs and behavior. Peer pressure is when you are influenced by other people to act in a certain way. If you're with friends who are doing something that you typically would not do and they convince you to do what they are doing, that is an example of peer pressure. This pressure can happen in person or on social media. Peot often give in to peer pressure because they want to fit in. They want to be liked and they worry that they may be left out or made fun of if they don't go along with the group. Negative peer pressure can lead people in bad directions. It could lead them to try alcohol or drugs, skip engagements or involve in other poor behaviors that could put their reputation or health at risk. Have a look at the presentation for more details.

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Peer Pressure

Presentations | English