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Presentations | English

About 300 species of octopuses have been found in the sea. The world "octopus" comes from the Greek word octopus, which means "eight feet". The Greek roots of this word mean that it is plural as a Greek word, depending on the gender and last letter of a name. Octopus have no bones in their bodies. This is its biggest feature. In addition, it can make the body smaller and narrower in a very small space. Octopus has three hearts. It has two large eyes and eight main arms, and if one arm is lost, a new one will grow in that position. They use their hands to move and prey .The main prey of octopus are crabs and snails. The largest octopus is over 20 feet in size. The smallest octopus is less than an inch in size. One female lays more than one lakh eggs at a time. The female is also responsible for the care of these eggs.

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Presentations | English