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Nature of Accounting Standards

Presentations | English

"(i) Serve as a guide to the accountants: Accounting standards serve the accountants as a guide in the accounting process. They provide basis on which accounts are prepared. (ii) Act as a dictator: Accounting standards act as a dictator in the field of accounting. Like a dictator, in some areas accountants have no choice of their own but to opt for practices other than those stated in the accounting standards. (iii) Serve as a service provider: Accounting standards comprise the scope of accounting by defining certain terms, presenting the accounting issues, specifying standards, explaining numerous disclosures and implementation date. Thus, accounting standards are descriptive in nature and serve as a service provider. (iv) Act as a harmonizer: Accounting standards are not biased and bring uniformity in accounting methods. They remove the effect of diverse accounting practices and policies. On many occasions, accounting standards develop and provide solutions to specific accounting issues. It is thus clear that whenever there is any conflict on accounting issues, accounting standards act as harmonizer and facilitate solutions for accountants."

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Nature of Accounting Standards

Presentations | English