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Monomers and Polymers

Presentations | English

Elaboration on the topic of Monomer and Polymer. A monomer, a molecule of any of a class of compounds, mostly organic, that can react with other molecules to form very large molecules or polymers. The essential feature of a monomer is polyfunctionality, the capacity to form chemical bonds to at least two other monomer molecules. There are four main types of monomer, including sugars, amino acids, fatty acids, and nucleotides. Each of these monomer types play important role in the existence and development of life, and each one can be synthesized abiotically. Polymers are large molecules made up of long chains or networks of smaller molecules called monomers. Due to their broad spectrum of properties, both synthetic and natural polymers play essential and ubiquitous roles in everyday life. Natural polymers include silk, hair, proteins, and DNA, while synthetic (man-made) polymers include polyethylene, polypropylene, and polyester. Polymers are used in almost every area of modern living. Grocery bags, soda and water bottles, textile fibres, phones, computers, food packaging, auto parts, and toys all contain polymers. Even more sophisticated technology uses polymers.

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Monomers and Polymers

Presentations | English