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Microprocessor and Interfacing

Presentations | English

"An electronic chip which acts as the central part or CPU of a machine can be called as a microprocessor. Not only in computer, nowadays microprocessors play an important role in electronic devices like mobile phones, washing machines, microwave ovens, fax machines etc. A microprocessor is capable to perform functions programmed by the user. The arithmetic and logic units process the instruction executed. Interfacing is a communication pathway between the machine and the user, simply an electric integrated circuit which performs basic functions of CPU. Two types of interfacing are memory and I/O interfacing. In memory interfacing, the circuit is designed in such a way to match with the memory needs and microprocessor requirements. I/O interfacing is a communication occuring between device like keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner etc. Using a set of registers, the CPU communicates and controls the I/O devices. Information about microprocessors and interfacing can be understood in detail from the presentation."

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Microprocessor and Interfacing

Presentations | English