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Memory Management in OS

Presentations | English

"It is a functionality of Operating system, to keep track of every memory location even if there is the memory is involved with some process or free. It monitors how much memory is allocated to various processes and also decides which process gets memory at what time. Memory management techniques include single contiguous allocation where all memory is available for one application, except a small part reserved for the OS. Partitioned allocation is division of memory with each partition storing all information for a specific job. Paged memory management is division of computer's main memory to fixed size units that are page frames. Segmented memory management does not provide user program with linear or contiguous address space. Method of swapping allows relocation and helps in better utilisation of memory. Memory allocation, paging, fragmentation, segmentation, dynamic loading, linking etc are the terms associated in memory management. More details can be understood from the powerpoint presentation."

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Memory Management in OS

Presentations | English