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Literary Approaches - Text Oriented Approaches

Presentations | English

In criticism, the literary approach is a type of textual analysis amongst all theoretical approaches to literature. It is the type of evaluation of a literary work which is most applied in teaching methodologies in schools and study institutions where the analysis mainly encompasses the inert textual aspects of the respective literary text. An analytical approach, this type of study ignores all factors from the author’s perspective as well as the readers’ and instead focuses entirely on textual elements. It has its own unique characteristics in its method of analysis and is still widely practiced. The PPT deals with the text-oriented approach in literary criticism and its several features and overall nature. It tells you how one can perceive it in such a way and to what all aspects of a text it gives importance to. Watch the given presentation to find out everything about this mode of approach.

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PPTX (34 Slides)

Literary Approaches - Text Oriented Approaches

Presentations | English