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Linking Words for Essay Writing - Template 01

Images | English

Long sentences and multisyllabic words are frequently used where shorter sentences and simpler words would suffice. Some students even use the thesaurus function in Microsoft Word to replace a common word with a more complicated word. This is a risky move because, even if it's similar, the new word may not have the same meaning as the original, even if it's similar. The result can range from amusing to perplexing, which defeats the purpose of academic writing: to be as clear and concise as possible, using only the appropriate words to convey your argument. To avoid this, use linking or transition words to signpost your arguments, which can help to clarify your points and show the reader what to expect from specific paragraphs or sentences. Some linking words are Likewise, Consequently, Accordingly, On the contrary, even so and many more.

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Linking Words for Essay Writing - Template 01

Images | English