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Isolation and Preservation Methods for Pure Culture

Presentations | English

The pure culture is the foundation for all research on infectious disease. It is proved that a pure culture contains a single bacterial species and they are derived often from a mixed culture by the isolation methods and techniques. There are different methods of techniques and measurements such as spread plate technique, in which the number of bacteria per unit volume of sample is reduced by serial dilution before the sample is spread on the surface of an agar plate, streak plate technique, exposure plates etc. Pure cultures are important in microbiology. When purified, the isolated species can then be cultivated with the knowledge that only the desired microorganism is being grown, and by means of experiments with a pure culture we may ensure that the same results can be achieved regardless of how many time the test is repeated. The most popular method for isolating pure cultures of bacteria is the streak plate method. A little quantity of mixed culture is spread across the surface of the agar medium using the tip of an inoculation loop/needle.

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Isolation and Preservation Methods for Pure Culture

Presentations | English