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Importance of Trees

Presentations | English

Trees have provided humans with two of life's most fundamental elements, food and oxygen, from the beginning. They supplied additional requirements as humanity progressed, such as shelter, medicine, and tools. Today, as their function grows to meet the demands produced by our contemporary lifestyles, their worth continues to rise, and additional advantages of trees are found. Every community benefits from the presence of trees. Trees border our streets, parks, playgrounds, and backyards, creating a quiet, visually attractive atmosphere. By introducing natural features and wildlife habitats into urban areas, trees improve our quality of life. During outdoor activities with family and friends, we congregate beneath the cool shade they give. Many areas also have extremely ancient trees that act as historic markers and a source of pride for the community. The heat island effect generated by pavement and commercial buildings is reduced when trees are utilised to deflect sunlight in cities.

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Importance of Trees

Presentations | English