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Genetic Mutation

Presentations | English

Mutation of a plant or an animal means a sudden change in its hereditary make-up. Suddenly a mutated organism arises and the changed or mutated appearance is usually found to be hereditary, i.e., it breeds true. Since heredity is controlled by genes, it follows that the genes somehow change their behaviour. While mutations are always taking place is nature very few of them are of a major nature to be readily apparent. In many cases, the changes are so minor that they are not readily apparent while in most cases they are recessive and remain latent. The de Vriesian concept of mutation has changed now as many changes which were considered as fluctuating variations by Darwin and de Vries have been found to be true mutations of a minor nature. Mutation plays an important role in evolution. The ultimate source of all genetic variation is mutation. Mutation is important as the first step of evolution because it creates a new DNA sequence for a particular gene, creating a new allele.

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Genetic Mutation

Presentations | English