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Gender and Women in Ancient Societies

Presentations | English

The lot of ordinary women was, though, an unenviable one in most ancient cultures. Within the family, Roman women would attend to the home and its slave workforce and work on handicrafts, while upper-class females might also study academic subjects such as literature and philosophy. Egyptian women could have their own businesses, own and sell property, and serve as witnesses in court cases. Unlike most women in the Middle East, they were even permitted to be in the company of men. They could escape bad marriages by divorcing and remarrying. Based on social indicators and gender statistics, “women in the Arab region are on average more disadvantaged economically, politically, and socially than women in other regions”. According to Banduras’ social learning theory, it is found about profound knowledge of the historical contributions of Ancient Egyptian female. Men are created for going out in the world and are responsible for providing financially for the family. Women are suited for remaining within family boundaries, caring for the home, the children and the husband.

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Gender and Women in Ancient Societies

Presentations | English