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Female Reproductive System

Presentations | English

What do you know about the female reproductive system? The female reproductive system is made up of the internal and external sex organs that function in reproduction of new offspring. In humans, the female reproductive system is immature at birth and develops to maturity at puberty to be able to produce gametes, and to carry a foetus to full term. The internal sex organs are the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. The vagina allows for sexual intercourse and birth, and is connected to the uterus at the cervix. The uterus or womb accommodates the embryo which develops into the foetus. The external sex organs are also known as the genitals and these are the organs of the vulva including the labia, clitoris, and vaginal opening. The uterus or womb is the major female reproductive organ. The uterus provides mechanical protection, nutritional support, and waste removal for the developing embryo (weeks 1 to 8) and foetus (from week 9 until the delivery).

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Female Reproductive System

Presentations | English