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Endangered Species

Presentations | English

"Endangered species are species of flora and fauna that are facing a serious risk of extinction. A sudden drop in its overall population or loss of its habitat would suggest its likeliness of going extinct shortly. The decrease in population could be induced due to several factors, most of which are instilled by unwanted human interference. While the environment survives on a cycle, exploiting them is not an option. Every organism has its own ethical, natural, moral and economic value and protecting them is our only chance at keeping the rich biodiversity from going off balance. This PPT will prove most useful for those interested in environmental sciences and also for all who wish to save the planet and its ecosystems. Read through the several different types of wildlife facing threats of endangerment and learn how to protect them right here. Read ahead…"

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PPTX (41 Slides)

Endangered Species

Presentations | English