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Effects of Tobacco Smoking

Presentations | English

It has been proved that smoking can be fatal since it is root causes many deadly diseases. It injures our mind and physique. On every packet of a cigarette, one can see the warning lines but it has got a little effect. In western countries, women are addicted to smoking. Too much of smoking affects our nervous system. It has a poison type acid that eats away our lungs and heart. Slowly it makes the action of the nervous system slow, affecting the heart and circulatory system. Smoking causes many fatal diseases like cancer, heart attack, asthma and loss of appetite. The atmosphere is polluted and its effects are more on a person who is sitting by the side of the smoker. It reduces stamina and life span. Tobacco contains nicotine, a kind of substance that affects the lungs. It may even cause cancer of the lung, which is an incurable and dangerous ailment. A man who uses tobacco in any form falls a victim to diseases of many kinds. His hunger is lost. Food is not well assimilated in the system. so the health of the affected person starts declining slowly but surely. It is a slow but direct gateway to death. Many have lost their lives.

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Effects of Tobacco Smoking

Presentations | English