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e-Transport Chain

Presentations | English

In the inner mitochondrial membrane, there occurs a series of enzymatic reactions, that is the cell organelles release and store energy for physiological needs. While electrons traverse through this chain, undergoing a series of oxidation-reduction reactions, energy is released by producing a gradient of hydrogen ions or protons across the membrane. This proton gradient gives out the energy to make ATP (adenosine triphosphate), used in oxidative phosphorylation. The reactions in the electron transport chain is performed by a set of membrane proteins and organic molecules, which are arranged in four complexes. In eukaryotes, chain is located in inner mitochondrial membrane whereas in prokaryotes it is located within the plasma membrane. Electrons from NADH and FADH2 , pass through the chain to oxygen, which provides the energy driving process, as reduced to water. Significant amount of energy is released by reduction of oxygen with NADH. A detailed explanation of this topic is available in the presentation.

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e-Transport Chain

Presentations | English