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Digital and Social Media Marketing

Presentations | English

Business has only two functions- marketing and innovation. Modern marketing relies on technology to analyze the comprehensive performance of a marketing campaign, and help guide future strategies and decision making. The best way to define a digital marketing platform is to break it down into its two parts: digital marketing and digital business platforms. Digital marketing is any marketing initiative that leverages online media and the internet through connected devices such as mobile phones, home computers, or the Internet of Things (IoT). Common digital marketing initiatives center around distributing a brand message through search engines, social media, applications, email, and websites. Today, digital marketing often focuses on reaching a customer with increasingly conversion-oriented messages across multiple channels as they move down the sales funnel. Ideally, marketing teams will be able to track the role each of these messages and/or channels played in reaching their ultimate goal. Please see the engaging presentation for more details.

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Digital and Social Media Marketing

Presentations | English