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Diagnostic Procedures of Digestive System

Presentations | English

A physician conducts a full and accurate medical history, including the symptoms and any other relevant information, in order to arrive at a diagnosis for digestive disorders. Some patients will require a more thorough diagnostic examination. Lab tests, imaging studies, and/or endoscopic procedures may all be included. An imaging test is a sort of examination that produces detailed images of organs or other parts of the body. Barium beefsteak meal test, abdominal CT, colorectal transit study are some of the examples of imaging tests. Endoscopy is a procedure in which a doctor uses advanced instruments to inspect and operate on the body's internal organs and arteries. Colonoscopy is an endoscopic procedure that helps in identifying any abnormal growth, ulcers, or bleeding. Lab tests include fecal occult blood test and stool culture. Anorectal manometry, esophageal manometry, esophageal pH monitoring, MRCP are some of the other diagnostic procedures of digestive system.

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Diagnostic Procedures of Digestive System

Presentations | English