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Dead Lock

Presentations | English

A deadlock is a situation where two computer programs that share the same resource effectively prevent each other from accessing the resource, thus deterring both programs from running. Early computer operating systems ran only one program at a time. All computer resources are available for this one project. Then, operating systems run multiple programs at once, linking them to each other. To avoid conflicts with other programs running at the same time, programs must specify the required resources in advance. Finally, some operating systems offer a dynamic allocation of resources. Extra resources may be requested after the program has run. This caused a traffic jam. It is extremely important to stop it before a stalemate occurs. Therefore, the system ensures that it does not lead to blockages before enforcing each transaction. If there is a small chance that a transaction will lead to a stalemate in the future, it will never be allowed to proceed.

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PPTX (58 Slides)

Dead Lock

Presentations | English