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Presentations | English

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. They are essential food nutrients that your body turns into glucose to give you the energy to function. It is also called as carbs and they are a type of macronutrient found in certain foods and drinks. Complex carbs in fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products are less likely to spike blood sugar than simple carbs (sugars). Foods and drinks can have three types of carbohydrates: starches, sugars and fibre. The words “total carbohydrates” on a food’s nutrient label refers to a combination of all three types. Carbohydrates are mainly found in plant foods. They also occur in dairy products in the form of a milk sugar called lactose. By-products of carbohydrates are involved in the immune system, the development of disease, blood clotting, and reproduction. The presentation will provide more details on the topic.

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Presentations | English