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Brain Exercises

Presentations | English

While you might know that you need to exercise your body, but did you know that it might also be important to exercise your mind? You've probably heard the old adage "use it or lose it." Many researchers do believe that this maxim applies to your brain health. There are many benefits you can expect from brain exercises like less stress, better memory, more concentration etc. Some of the simple brain exercises that we can do are; Switch hands: Using your non-dominant hand results in increased brain activity. This can be very hard at first which is why it gives your brain a good workout. Read Books Aloud: Improves Listening and Reading Skills. Turn Off Technology: An obvious way to do things the hard way is to stop relying on technology. Use your brain instead of your smartphone for basic mental skills like spelling and math. Meditation: The mental benefits of meditation include stress reduction, improved memory, learning ability and mood, increased focus and attention, and even reversal of brain atrophy. Puzzles: When you are working on puzzles, you are engaging both sides of brain and giving an ultimate mental workout.

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Brain Exercises

Presentations | English