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Belapur Housing

Presentations | English

What is the main concept of belapur housing? Belapur housing makes a statement which combines the principles that Correa believed to be most important in housing: incrementality, open-to-sky spaces, equity and a strong sense of community. The movement within the development is entirely pedestrian, with parking spaces allotted on the fringes. The project has a single principle at its roots: an individual plot for each dwelling to allow for future expansion as and when necessary. The scheme was designed to cater to a variety of income groups: lower, middle, and upper. Each house has its own plot and shares no common wall with its neighbour, allowing for it to have its own small open space. This is beneficial in two ways: a sense of individuality even in a dense community and for expansion as and how seen fit by the owners. This was commended as a feature of good contemporary planning. Don’t you think that Belapur housing increases cordial relationship between the communities? Doesn’t it provide a new structured way of planning? Let’s learn more how to implement belapur housing models in our places too, shall we?

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Belapur Housing

Presentations | English