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Banking Theory and Practice

Presentations | English

Banking Theory and Practice covers the entire gamut of topics in the field of banking–from its evolution to the latest trends. The Indian banking system is undergoing unprecedented changes as a result of new legislations and reforms in response to the contemporary needs. The Banking Regulation Act, 1949 is a legislation in India that regulates all banking firms in India. ii. The act was enacted to safeguard the interest of the depositors and to control the abuse of powers by controlling the banks by any means necessary and to the interest of Indian economy in general. Banking Practice means that business segment of the Seller focusing primarily on compensation consulting for community banks, executive and director benefits programs, and bank-owned life insurance to the bank market, including incentive consulting and working with banks in the design of ownership succession programs.

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PPTX (34 Slides)

Banking Theory and Practice

Presentations | English