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Alzheimer's Disease

Presentations | English

Alzheimer's is a progressive memory loss disorder, that involves the part of brain which control thought, memory and language. The disease can seriously affect a person's ability to perform daily activities. Age is the best known risk factor of this disease and also family genetics plays a role. A healthy lifestyle can always reduce the chance of developing this disease. Memory problems are the warning signs of the disorder. Some symptoms include memory loss which disrupts daily life, trouble handling money, difficulty to complete a task, misplacing things, mood swings and so on. Diagnostic test like PET scan can support and rule out the possible causes for symptoms. There is no treatment but medical management can improve the quality of life. Donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine are medications used to treat mild to severe symptoms of Alzheimer's. They can help reduce symptoms and behavioral problems. Information about the topic is explained in the powerpoint presentation.

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Alzheimer's Disease

Presentations | English