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Advertising Psychology

Presentations | English

In our daily life, we atleast attend ten advertisements a day, maybe in your mobile, television or on the way to office. Advertisers discovered the fact that, psychology can find attention, leave an impression and lead to act of purchase. Specializing in marketing is not psychology of advertising. Psychology is exploring human behaviour and nature whereas advertising is all about human behaviour influencing to make certain decisions. That's how both are related. Steps starts from capturing the audience, understanding their targetted feeling, creating desirability of the product and developing a deep connection with the audience. The key of a good advertisement is all about making people remember about it. Repetition of advertisements by changing some features in each appearance can be helpful. Color impressions can cause about 60-70 percent of consumer reaction. Scarcity of certain products increase need for them, advertisers can make this useful by marketing limited quantities as a good deal. More information about the topic can be understood from the presentation.

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Advertising Psychology

Presentations | English