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Advertising Psychology

Presentations | English

"Word of mouth was the only form of advertising known to the ancients. The merchant who had products to sell carried them to the city gate and yelled aloud, making the value of his goods known to those who were entering the city and who may be convinced to turn aside and buy them. We are as taken with the ancients' simplicity as we are with the vastness of current advertising systems. Advertisers have long realised that they may use psychology to uncover what draws attention, creates an impression, persuades, and leads to the act of purchasing. Having said that, you may employ psychology to ensure that your advertisement is effective. Advertising is the study of how to persuade people to make particular purchases. It's no surprise that these two fields intersect. Advertising is the study of how to persuade people to make particular purchases. It's no surprise that these two fields intersect. Although the means of advertising and marketing have evolved through time—from merchants yelling in marketplaces in ancient times to digital marketers buying advertisements on social media sites—the underlying psychology in marketing and advertising has stayed consistent."

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Advertising Psychology

Presentations | English