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Accounting for Non Profit Organisation

Presentations | English

"Non-Profit Organisations or NPOs are organisations started by an individual or a group of individuals with the sole motive of service or charity to the community and society. Although usually every business or organisation takes form with the hope of gaining profit eventually in the future, NPOs does not move with that intent. The members themselves, along with the general public collect and donate money for the services of the community which is then provided towards a good cause. Although they do not take part in trading or profit making or any kind, they also keep records of their incomings and expenses. First and foremost, being an NPO makes them responsible for the donator’s money and the collected charity. Keeping track of it is essential and that is just the tip of the ice berg of essentialities with Accounting for Non-Profit Organisations. Watch the PPT NOW!"

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Accounting for Non Profit Organisation

Presentations | English